Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fashionable Sweaters Save Penguins Lives

The oil spill in New Zealand lead to approximately a thousand birds death and the start of a knitting project.  Penguin "jumpers"were knitted to keep the penguins warm, but more importantly to protect them from keeping the penguins from cleaning themselves with the poisonous oil covering their bodies. These cute sweaters have a life-saving attribute! Fashionable penguins waddling, safe and snuggly in the comfort of their bright-colored sweaters. Can anything be more sweet or adorable?

1 comment:

  1. I saw this and thought it was one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. I posted this link on my sister's Facebook wall because she likes to sew, and she quickly liked it, commented on it, and shared it with another of her friends, who also thought it was brilliant. I will support any cause that puts cute animals in even cuter sweaters. This is what the Internet was made for: spreading word about a cause...even if it is just a little ridiculous.
